Chase Goals, Not Rabbits: Why You Need A Coach
Here’s why you need a coach:
There’s too much information out there. You know you can’t do everything all at once.
I’m talking about diet plans, supplements, training programs or even daily workouts.
But you can’t do it all, and trying to do too much will actually set you back.
I’m guilty of that! Instead of focusing solely on one thing, I try to do it all.
Everyone wants more, but most don’t realize there’s an optimal amount of training to do, just as there’s an optimal amount of food to eat.
Too little, and your progress will be slow.
Too much, and your progress might reverse.
More is NOT better. Better is better.
You have a coach. That coach is your filter.
Your coaches are here to tell you what’s optimal, not what’s minimal.
At Hustle One Fitness, our coaches want to talk to you every 3 months.
One-on-one, in person.
We want to put you on the InBody, ask about your goals, review your progress and then give you the best possible prescription.
Here’s a link to book the goal review. It’s part of your membership!
What we DON’T want is for you to have to guess.
We don’t want you to try fad diets just because someone else is doing them. We don’t even want you to do what everyone else in the gym is doing, because their program is theirs.
It’s not yours.
Train in a group, tailor individually: That’s what our coaches do.
You have a coach.
Next time you see a workout online and think, “Oooooh, that looks spicy! Gotta try it after noon group tomorrow!” ask your coach if it fits your goals. Take it from a banged-up meathead who learned the hard way!
Chase Goals, Not Rabbits
Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at