Good Carb Bad Carb
At our personal training studio in West Ashley, we are always talking about nutrition.
You can workout really really hard in the gym, but if you’re not working hard in the kitchen, you may not see the results as fast as you want.
Our best clients who see the best results consistently train 3-4 days per week, and eat good, and limit processed foods, 80% of the time.
The other 20%? Enjoy it!
Here’s a short breakdown on carbs, and why they have a bad reputation.
What the Heck is a Carb Anyway?
- Carbohydrate is another word for sugar: when carbs break down in the body, they all become sugar molecules. These get absorbed into the blood stream and then sent to be used or stored as ENERGY.
- When we have too much sugar in excess of our energy needs, our bodies will store it as either glycogen or fat.
- Glycogen gets stored in the muscle tissue and liver, while fat gets stored in adipose tissue all around the body.
Carbs get a bad reputation because they are easy to eat, super easy to overeat, and often tack on a lot of excess calories that you don’t need.
If your Intake of Calories is > your Expenditure of Calories, you will keep on excess body fat.
If you need 2000 calories to maintain your current daily energy output, then it doesn’t matter how large a percentage of that 2000 calories is eaten in the form of carbs. Just keep your total calories under 2000.
If you’d like to get fit this summer, click here to chat with a coach for free!
In the next blog, I’m going to break down some carbs for you!
Good Carb Bad Carb