More than just a member – Matt found a new gym home
From just being a member at a previous gym, to now feeling like he belongs.
Matt is seeing results at his new gym home!
Matt found Hustle One Fitness in West Ashley after looking us up online and looking for gyms near his home.
He knew he needed a plan, a goal, and accountability to help him show up and work hard while he’s at the gym.
Matt decided to join Hustle One because he wanted to be part of a community, not just a member of another gym.
Here’s what Matt had to say about one of his first workouts:
“That was so much fun to get into a big class and everyone is cheering for everyone on the lifts. That made me feel like a part of the gym rather than just another person lifting.”
We love having Matt at the gym, and love helping him overcome some heart trouble to find his passion for exercise again.
In Matt’s first month, he’s already lost 1.5 inches in his waist, and has increased size in his arms! Let’s go, Matt!
Here’s what Matt has had to say about his Hustle One experience so far:
What brought you to Hustle One in the first place?
“Better health because of overall dislike for my body as well as my heart health.”
What was your first impression? How has that changed?
“My first impression was good! Of course I was super scared about jumping in with people that have been doing this for a while but learned that those people can help you work on form and yourself. Safe space for questions and tips.”
What was your first “bright spot”?
“I think my first “bright spot” was coming to my second or third class know a couple people and being able to do the workout completely and get some positive feedback from it.”
What are you working on now?
“Currently working on form with Cleans and going to start working on front squats more because that is definitely my weak spot.”
What’s your favorite Hustle One memory?
“Honestly I think my favorite memory from Hustle One was James’ birthday workout! That was so much fun to get into a big class and everyone is cheering for everyone on the lifts. That made me feel like a part of the gym rather than just another person lifting.”
We love to see these responses from our clients!
We will always help our clients with fun, challenging, and made-for-them workouts.
But the number one thing we want all of out clients to experience: Our welcoming and encouraging community and gym environment.
We’re so thrilled Matt has found his!
We love seeing our clients reach their goals!
If you’re struggling to get into the gym and see good results, but know you need to, just reach out to us and we can help!
Click here to chat with a coach!
We can almost guarantee you’ll see amazing results if you can dedicate 2 days to yourself in the gym.
You owe it to yourself!
More than just a member – Matt found a new gym home