5 lessons I learned in 2020.
Whether you began your new year on January 1st, or are waiting until the first Monday of the year, it’s always refreshing to go and look back on the year that was.
My 5 lessons from 2020
Lean on others.
When the world shut down in March, who was there for you?
I’m the luckiest guy to have an amazing fiancee, Abby, who talked me off some ledges when gyms were shut down. Outside the home, I have the best fitness community I’ve ever been a part of!
It was so easy to give up and just stop, but seeing my entire Hustle One family show up everyday on Zoom, and then turn up on the first day we opened back up in the gym, helped me continue to put my head down and keep going.
The best part about this lesson is knowing I’m not alone, and never was alone.
Something is ALWAYS better than nothing.
2020 taught me that life is like a dial, not an on/off switch.
Some days or weeks or months the dial is cranking up at 10, meaning I am sticking to my goals, eating right, working out everyday, and completing the tasks I set out for myself. And other days, the dial may be turned down to a 3, meaning that even though I ate Christmas cookies and dessert in December, I still hit my workout or had veggies at every meal.
I learned that my personal journey of growth physically, growth mentally, growth professionally, and growth emotionally is never “off.”
I must ALWAYS be doing something that takes me closer to my goals, even if that means doing the 1 minuscule thing that does not have a big impact at that time, but will add up if I continue to do it every single day.
I love to cook!
Never thought I would be writing those words LOL!! And this is definitely Abby’s favorite!
But yes, cooking is fun!
I’m no professional, but I learned I love the process of finding a new recipe, shopping for the ingredients, and following it through for the final product- that’s how my brain works.
I was given a smoker from some buddies when we moved into our new house, and decided to dive head first into the meat smoking world! And I love it.
After college, I have never really had a hobby outside of the gym. It’s always been gym, gym, gym. And I’m excited to see how much better of a cook I can become this year!
Stopping time and being present- mental wealth is just as important as physical health.
This is probably my most important lesson of 2020.
I always feel like I need to be doing something for Hustle One. If I don’t post that picture, write this workout, or check-in with you, then I’m losing. It’s just the way I’ve always been- my brain is always running.
The second half of 2020, I really made a conscious effort to focus on my work-life balance.
I began to treat my work time like a workout! I would set a clock for a certain amount of time, and when that clock runs out, I’d move on to the next thing or stop my work completely. This process works great for me, because when I am working, I’m fully working. And when I’m not working, I can enjoy time with my family knowing that all my work is done.
If 2020 taught me anything, it taught me that it’s very easy to get caught up in something, and that it’s very difficult to find time for myself. One of my resolutions this year is to make more time, and enjoy that freedom.
Every goal has an obstacle. Every obstacle is conquerable.
Last January, I set huge goals for myself in 2020!
Guess what? COVID threw a giant wrench into those goals.
Abby and I were supposed to be married in October.
We had major things planned for Hustle One over the summer.
I had personal things I wanted to check off my list.
When that COVID obstacle presented itself, it just made me realize that I needed to be the first to adapt.
If you were a member of Hustle One prior to COVID, or were on the outside looking in, you can agree with me when I confidently say that no other gym handled the shutdown as well as we did.
Our values as a gym are Care, Act, and Put Your Fitness First– I think we did that and more this past year.
I learned that any obstacle is conquerable with persistent and consistent action.
I learned it’s never the one big thing that makes the difference, it’s the sum of small victories that make you unstoppable.
As you head into 2021, I just want you to know that you can achieve your goals. I bet you already achieved some pretty amazing things in 2020!
Yes, there will be setbacks.
And yes, you might feel as is you’re a million miles away on any given day.
But, just remember what community you belong to!
When you feel as if you’re sliding, post in the FaceBook group and ask for help! I can guarantee you that the majority of our community will reach out to help.
When you feel like you’ve gone off track from your goals, schedule a Strategy Session with one of our coaches to get back on track!
I’m closing the chapter, but I’m not forgetting these 5 lessons I learned in 2020, and what they taught me.
These are my 5 lessons I learned in 2020, what has it taught you?