
Top 2 Ways To Set Yourself Up for Success

Top 2 Ways To Set Yourself Up for Success

We don’t rise to the level of our challenges; we fall to the level of our preparation.

“Commitment devices” set us up for long-term success: using our bodies and brains in the way they’ve evolved to be used.

We’re wired to save energy. For thousands of years, our brains and bodies have evolved to seek the path of least friction—in other words, we take the easiest route. We’re pretty good at it.

Scrolling through Instagram is easier than getting out of bed.

Snoozing our alarm is more comfortable than going to the gym for our early morning personal training session.

We put off preparing our lunches for the week because we spent all day Sunday at the beach. We figure we will whip something up during the week.

Personal Training West Ashley
Building good habits doesn’t mean overcoming bad ones or ramping up our motivation to suddenly change overnight.

Those kinds of changes don’t stick. Instead, we need to leverage our natural human tendencies.

A commitment device is a choice you make NOW that will control your actions in the future.

For example, if you make an appointment with your personal trainer, you’ll show up at our West Ashley gym. If you join a soccer team, you’ll show up for the games. And if you prepare your lunches in advance for the week, you’ll eat them.

Here are 2 easy ways to set yourself up for success:

Schedule your workouts ahead of time.

Write down your daily workout time in your planner so you know not to overbook yourself.

Get with your personal trainer and plan out all of your personal training sessions for the week.

Commit yourself to the same time everyday and make sure others know your workout time.

Write down what your lunches will be for the week.

To make it easy, either eat the same thing every day OR plan your dinners for the week and carry the leftovers over to the next day’s lunches.

Write up your grocery list. Go to the store. Buy the groceries you’ll need for all of your lunches. Set aside one hour for food prep TONIGHT.

Chop up your vegetables, proteins, nuts and seeds. Put them into separate containers.

Make enough for the full week.

You don’t need to get fancy: Most of us eat the same thing most of the time, and that’s just fine. Save your variety for dinner.

Commitment devices remove friction and the burden of choice. Do your future self a favor: Make commitments in advance!

One of the best commitment devices is a coach.

A coach will be your accountability and support network to hold you committed to your workout schedule, and to make sure you are on the right path to your goals.

Reach your goals faster and grab a coach!

If you are having trouble finding ways to keep yourself committed and motivated, click here and one of our coaches can give you some free advice!

The hardest part is always starting, but if you stick to creating positive habits day after day, it will be second nature before you know it!

Top 2 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Success