
Member of the Month: Christine H!

Congratulations to April’s Member of the Month: Christine H!

Christine has been a member of Hustle One Fitness in West Ashley since November 2022. And since she started working with a personal trainer, she’s never missed a beat.

Christine joined Hustle One Fitness because she had fear of regressing, like the patients she works with in the nursing home.

Her goals are simple: become stronger, stay strong, and have the ability to walk for the rest of her life. She even signed up for her first half marathon!

Everyday, Christine makes the gym a brighter place with her bubbly personality and support of other clients.

She’s made amazing progress since she began working with a personal trainer, and we only know that she will make even more progress in the next few months!

Member of the Month!
Keep reading to learn more about Christine and her Hustle One Fitness experience!

And if you want to hear from her, check out this video!

Where are you from?

Born and raised in Salem, MA. I’ve lived in Hollywood, SC since 2006.

When did you join Hustle One Fitness?

November 2021! I joined because of my work environment. I work in a nursing home, and I want to do my best to be able to walk and be active for the rest of my life.

What is your favorite thing about working out?

My favorite thing is probably the atmosphere! It’s always friendly and supportive for everybody.

What do you do when you are not at Hustle One Fitness?

I love to play with clay and do pottery! I also love to hang out at the creek and watch my husband work on our old house while I work in the garden.

When/How did you realize Hustle One Fitness was the right fit for you?

My very first session is when I felt like I belonged and I could do this!

What is your favorite cheat meal?

Favorite cheat meal is Mexican with all the fixings.

What is something about you that Hustle One members do not know yet?

People don’t know that my husband and I used to have Harleys! Mine had pink powder coated wheels.

What advice would you give to someone just getting started at Hustle One Fitness? Why should others choose Hustle One Fitness?

Advice is to just keep going and walk through excuses! I’m dismayed that some of my patients are younger than me-63- I just want to walk independently until I die.

We are so thrilled with Christine’s progress so far!

We love seeing her do great things inside and outside the gym, and cannot wait for Christine to see even more amazing results!

Our philosophy is to help you live the life you deserve.

Whatever you do outside the gym, getting stronger and more fit will help make your passions and hobbies that much more enjoyable.

If you’re ready to maximize your life outside of the gym this year, click here to chat with a coach and learn how!

Congratulations to April’s Member of the Month: Christine H!