

4 Tips To Get Back To Exercise

Whether you’re getting back into the gym, or you’re just trying to get some workouts done at your house, here are FOUR tips to help you get back into exercise.

Set Appointments In Your Calendar 

You have appointments you make and attend all the time.

  • Doctors appointments 
  • Meetings at work 
  • Little league games 
  • Dance recitals 
  • Etc etc 

Your workouts are important meetings, just like these. Best part, they’re usually shorter, and more enjoyable too! 

If you’re trying to get back into the physical gym, reserve your spot in class, then immediately put it in your calendar. Mark it as a high priority so you know you are NOT going to cancel that on yourself! 

If you’re trying to get back into a few workouts a week at home, keep the same strategy. Set the times you’re going to workout, mark it high priority, and get after it. These workouts are important for your health and vitality. Treat them with the importance that they deserve! 

Grab an accountability buddy 

Or as I like to call, an “accountabilibuddy.”

If you go to the gym, this should be someone that’s going to workout with you in the class. If this is at home, this should be someone who will workout at the same time as you in their own home.

One of the best accountability buddies you can have is a personal trainer.

Your trainer will help keep you on schedule with your workout times, they will motivate you during the workout, and best of all- they will take the guesswork out of the equation, and answer the question: “What am I going to do at the gym today?”

Remind yourself how good working out makes you feel 

Yes, after an extended time off, you aren’t going to feel as fit as you once were. Good news is that it comes back pretty quickly once you get that consistency back in your life. Yes, there will be a bit of discomfort getting back into it, but remember how good working out makes you feel: 

  • Empowered
  • Accomplished 
  • Strong
  • Energetic 

We could go on forever, but bottom line is you’re going to feel amazing.

Give yourself some grace when you get started back up 

Like we talked about in number 3, you won’t be in the same shape as when you left off. Guess what? 


Give yourself permission to come back slowly. Go lighter. Scale back the reps. Try and keep your heart rate low throughout the entire workout. But most importantly, remind yourself that you’re getting back into things again.

It’s OK that you aren’t lifting as heavy.
It’s OK that you aren’t moving as fast.
And, it’s OK that everything feels harder than it did before.

You’re back to working out, and that is what’s most important.

If you need help getting back into it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you, and we’re here to help you get back into the best shape ever.

Looking forward to having you in the gym!

4 Tips To Get Back To Exercise